Your view of life affects your way of life.
The following series of articles will explore the reasons for success in a student’s life.
What makes a student successful? Is it just intelligence, a capacity to mug up answers and spew them forth, greater retention? Or is it something more?
We believe that it is all this and more.. something that lays the foundation for the final goal.
Remember, your view of life affects your way of life. What does that mean? Success first begins with an attitude. It begins with a frame of mind – your frame of mind that enables you to think that something / anything is achievable.
Responsibility is the difference between leading and being led:
Taking responsibility for the outcome is an overlooked but crucial component of this step. It is one thing to say “I want to stand first in the Board exam”, but an entirely different one to say “I am willing to be responsible for my performance at the Board exam”. The world of difference lies in the fact that the second statement empowers you. It hands you the ownership of the situation. You begin to approach the study scenario with more ways to tackle it, rather than a defeatist approach that would end in blame of all sorts. You sit in the driver seat.
Educational Goals:
Ask yourself this: what am I doing here? why am I doing this? Where do I see myself a few years from now? The answers need not be earth-shatteringly grand. But they need to be honestly yours, nobody else’s. That is the heart of having a purpose. Review those answers periodically to see where you stand. They represent your goal like nothing else.
Question, question, question:
There is a fundamental reason some students are successful and others are not. The interested students question till they are get the answer they are looking for. the sources of answers may be varied – a professor, mentor, the internet, their parents, self-study. But they cannot stand the feeling of not knowing. However, understand there is a fine line in asking questions to understand something for one’s self and asking questions to prove that someone else doesn’t know. Respect your teachers for what they do know. And in case, the answer falls short of your expectations, look for alternatives to fill the gaps in your knowledge, not to show how much more you know. Question to learn.